60 Days to More Wealth, Health & Prosperity Exercise - Day 10
60 Days to More Wealth,
Health & Prosperity Exercise
Adapted from Dr. Silvia
Hartmann’s Book “60 Second Wealth Creators”
Day 10 - Fun With Work!
without fun is like a dead flounder.” SFX
matter what you’re doing, no matter what you’re into, today, remember a time
when you really, REALLY enjoyed your work.
you were excited, motivated, inspired and you knew COMPLETELY why you were
doing what you were doing.
you had a really GOOD TIME at work, with work, and through work.
what that was, and make a decision to DO MORE OF THAT.
Work is a big part of our lives, and if it isn’t
fun, or it isn’t exciting, we are wasting the most precious commodity we have!
Repeat 3 times: I have wonderful work for wonderful
pay and things keep getting better and better every single day!
Daily Switchword:
GIGGLE = To get in the mood for writing; to enjoy the task at hand
In your journal write down any insights, thoughts or
inspirations received today.
My “Aha” moment is….
I am grateful for….