60 Days to More Wealth Exercise - Day 24

60 Days to More Wealth, Health & Prosperity Exercise
Adapted from Dr. Silvia Hartmann’s Book “60 Second Wealth Creators”

Day 24 - The Wise One

For the next sixty seconds, YOU are going to become your own wise old soul, and YOU will give yourself some good advice.
You know, the kind of thing that you should really be told, and that you should listen to, and you have been wanting to hear that for a while but no-one’s told you.
Put this wise advice in an email to yourself and send it to yourself, so you can receive it, read it, and possibly print it out for future reference.
Do it NOW …

Daily Switchword:  BINGO = To find the right answer; to feel excitement

In your journal write down any insights, thoughts or inspirations received today.
My “Aha” moment is….
I am grateful for….


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