60 Days to More Wealth Exercise - Day 16

60 Days to More Wealth, Health & Prosperity Exercise
Adapted from Dr. Silvia Hartmann’s Book “60 Second Wealth Creators”

Day 16
If … Then …
Grab a glass of water.
Did you know that when you eat or drink anything, whatever you are eating or drinking will become a part of your structure – this cannot be undone.
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “You are what you eat!”
So today, we’re going to use the amazing “If …Then …” magic pattern from Living Energy and this is what you do.
Pick up your drink and realize that once you take a sip and swallow, this cannot be undone.
Say out aloud:
1. “If I drink from this that will mean that I will become truly wealthy MUCH QUICKER than I had ever expected.”

Take a drink! Take your time and feel the drink going down.
Take a deep breath and continue with these, just the same:
2. “If I drink from this that will mean that I will become truly wealthy MUCH EASIER than I ever thought I could.”

Finally, there’s Number …
3. “If I drink from this that will mean that I’m going to enjoy being wealthy MUCH MORE than I ever thought I would.”

Daily Switchword:  LIMIT =  To set parameters, keep others from taking advantages of you, back off, stop, regain control, dispel ignorance

In your journal write down any insights, thoughts or inspirations received today.
My “Aha” moment is….

I am grateful for….


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