Are you living your dream?

I was thinking, can you really live your dream if you are not working in your dream job? Let's face it, we all have to work in some capacity or another. It's in our nature to be productive in some way. Those who are retired still find ways to spend their time whether it's through volunteer work or community service. What about the rest of us? I ask you, are you working in your dream job? Is working outside of what you were truly meant to do a total waste of time especially if the work is unsatisfying, unpleasant, boring or just je ne sais quoi? These are questions that we all should be asking ourselves. I found this article and thought it may be worth pondering.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Dream Job
by Joel Garfinkle, Dream Job Coaching

1. Allows You To Be Your True Self All of The Time
It takes a tremendous amount of energy to step into a false persona for work and not be your true self. Your dream job will enable you to not be “Jekyll and Hyde” but will allow you to be your true self at all times and not waste energy.

2. Fits Into Your Life
Your dream job will integrate perfectly into your lifestyle and will fit you wonderfully. It will feel like a natural part of you and will not hinder your life and other aspects of your life (family, hobbies, interests, etc.). This does not mean that there will not be times when your job will interfere with your life - that is something that will happen. But a dream job will interfere with the rest of your life significantly less than other jobs. For example, your dream job may offer you flex-time so that you can work at home at times to spend time with your family. You will still have to work but it will offer you more flexibility and more of what you want.

3. Incorporates Your Values
A dream job will have the same values as you and will not ask you to embrace values that do not resonate with you or to go against your beliefs. If you have a concern for the environment, for example, your dream job will not ask you to be involved with toxic waste dumping.

4. Allows Your To Tap Into Your Unique Gifts
Everyone has different gifts and qualities - your dream job will allow you to tap into your unique gift and express it fully. You’ll notice that work will feel more effortless due to the use of your gifts and you’ll begin to notice the impact you’re having on all that you touch.

5. Gives You Energy Instead of Draining You
You feel energized by your job instead of drained and exhausted by it. You look forward to it and embrace every part of it. You start to notice that you have energy for other things both in and outside of work. Having more energy has the benefit of helping you to become more creative and enthusiastic. Imagine the possibilities when you harness all the energy that will fill you.

6. Enables You To Align With Your Passion and Do What You Love
There is an ease that comes with cultivating your passion. You’ll feel as if you’re coming to your true home and doing what you’re meant to do in this lifetime. As you do what you love, you realize your purpose is being fulfilled and you feel satisfied and comfortable.

7. Helps You To Make a Difference to Something You Believe In
It enables you to feel good about giving to your job knowing that you are making a difference in some way and your unique talents and gifts are being used to bring about change to something that is important to you.

8. Is Enjoyable & Doesn’t Seem Like Work
You wake up every day excited about going to work instead of dreading it. You can have fun at work and feel happy about doing your job. You might find yourself asking “Do I really get paid to do this work? It feels more like a hobby than a job.”

9. Follows Your Wants Instead of Your Shoulds
You listen to your intuition and your heart instead of your rational mind and/or what society and others think you “should” do. As you listen to what you want, you begin to know yourself more clearly. The rest of your life starts to rearrange itself around who you truly are and not who you were supposed to be.

10. Fulfills You
You feel a sense of completion. The work you do, how you do it, and the responsibilities and roles all come together in a way that makes you feel satisfied. You know the work you are doing is having impact and you are truly serving your purpose.

To learn more about how Joel Garfinkle’s expert Public Inspirational Speaking can help you as an individual in your quest for your dream job or improve your group’s interactions at work or play please visit his Business Management Speaker page.



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