Are you living your dream?
I was thinking, can you really live your dream if you are not working in your dream job? Let's face it, we all have to work in some capacity or another. It's in our nature to be productive in some way. Those who are retired still find ways to spend their time whether it's through volunteer work or community service. What about the rest of us? I ask you, are you working in your dream job? Is working outside of what you were truly meant to do a total waste of time especially if the work is unsatisfying, unpleasant, boring or just je ne sais quoi? These are questions that we all should be asking ourselves. I found this article and thought it may be worth pondering. Top 10 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Dream Job by Joel Garfinkle, Dream Job Coaching 1. Allows You To Be Your True Self All of The Time It takes a tremendous amount of energy to step into a false persona for work and not be your true self. Your dream job will enable you to not be “Jekyll and Hyde” but will allow yo...