
Showing posts from 2007

Quote of the week

All dreams appear impossible until someone else makes them happen. - Unknown

ABCs of Success

Even if you didn't meet all your goals in 2007, you can still knock them out in 2008. Hope you enjoy these ABC's for success. ABC's for Success by Jewel Diamond Taylor Avoid negative people, places and habits. Believe in yourself. Distance yourself from those who belittle and discourage you. Clutter hinders efficiency. Get rid of any clutter in your home, work space and the emotional clutter in your mind and spirit. Develop financial intelligence and discipline. Save and spend wisely. Endure the tough times. Don't give up! Trouble don't last always. Family and friends are a treasure. Spend more time with those who matter. Good character is wealth. Be someone other people can respect and depend on. Health is a precious gift. Make some form of exercise, healthy eating, water and reduction of sugar, salt and fatty foods a life style priority. Invest in your future, because that is where you will be the rest of your life. Just do what matters. Remain focused on ...

Design Your Ideal Life

Before you even begin to design your ideal career, you need to design your ideal life. Most people set goals that are much too small because they don't believe something bigger and better is possible. Now is the time to go beyond your current limitations and beliefs and find out what you really want to do in life. The biggest mistake people make is trying to design their lives around their careers. It really works much better the other way around. Start by designing your ideal life and then figure out what sort of career would support it. Most of my clients find it isn't so easy to design an ideal life. I'm giving you a blank slate, and you can invent absolutely anything you want. Where do you want to live? Who do you want to be? What would a normal day look like? Now describe your ideal life in glowing and vivid detail. You can write it down in a journal or draw pictures. If you aren't much of an artist or writer, you can cut and paste magazine pictures. You get the id...

Welcome to Coachfucious!

Coachfucious will give you access to a new kind of power. The power to make the impossible happen. Coachfucious will coach you to declare an impossible future and design a structure for fulfillment that will help you to reach it. Coachfucious helps you to step back so that you can see the big picture and give you a new perspective in your life, career, personal relationship or whatever you desire. Today is not the first day of the rest of your life. Yesterday was. Live authentically, Coachfucious